Mariko Fujioka

Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Feline

Birthday: 27 August 2000

Likes: Video games, Technology, Computers, Anime


Mariko is Expi's girlfriend who moved to Paitoca from Sonrisa. She has similar tastes to Expi when it comes to anime and cartoons, but is also even more into video games and technology. While she still leans a bit more to the introverted side, she can still be snarky and sarcastic, often talking smack to others both in real life and in her video games, even playing her own jokes from time to time.

That isn't to say Mariko doesn't have a soft side either. She still very much loves Expi, often willing to sit down and talk with her when she's feeling down and needs the advice. The two of them always like to spend time together as much as possible, whether it be watching their favorite shows, movies and eating dinner whenever they are home. She also loves her pet parrot, Percy, even if they got off on a bad start.

Sometimes she can feel down about herself and her past, especially after leaving Sonrisa and her time in the Paitocan Guard, but she has managed to overcome these feelings on her own terms, and is willing to take action when needed - even becoming the union leader of Banglin Baskets.